Rates and amenities provided as of February 2025:
The following rates are monthly with rent being due on the first of each month. The first and last months of rental will be prorated by the day @$15 / day. Rental fee includes use of the assigned unit and off-street parking area as well as most of the areas in the home and the entire surrounding yard. It also includes full access to the kitchen and all utensils needed for cooking and dining. Individualized storage space will also be provided for houseguests in the kitchen cupboards, refrigerator and freezers for use in cooking meals as desired. Current amenities provided include high speed wireless internet access, cable television with HD DVR boxes in every room, DVD/VCR player (a library of movies are available in the home), laundry with washer / dryer with owner provided detergent and dryer sheets, current newspapers/periodicals, coffee, three larger High Definition televisions with DVR and pool table are also provided for guest use in the common areas. Other amenities include an indoor swimming pool, hot tub, foosball table and exercise equipment including a professional Nordic Track incline treadmill and other exercise equipment. (Note that the pool and hot tub are currently down for repairs.) A table tennis sunroom, home theater and sauna will be available in the future once they are completed. Houseguests will launder the bedding and towels in their unit at their discretion and will provide additional cleaning of the unit, including dusting, bathroom, vacuuming and emptying trash, as needed. Owner will provide cleaning materials and equipment needed for cleaning units. All utilities are provided to houseguests as a part of the rent.
Unit Rates:
Number of Houseguests Monthly Rental Rate (Monthly Amt. / person / day)
1 $450 ($15.00)
2 (significant other of houseguest) $450 ($ 7.50)
2 (roommate needing separate bed) $600 ($10.00)
3 (2 beds needed) $600 ($ 6.66)
3 (3 beds needed) $750 ($ 8.33)
Rooms can be requested up to a year in advance but rooms are not guaranteed to be available until about one month before the requested start date arrives and then only if a room is available at that time. This is because once a guest is in a room, they are allowed to extend their stay as long as they wish on a month by month basis. With only six units available, this means that that there may be nothing available at the requested time.
Rent is monthly and the minimum payment is for one month of rent. A Houseguest can, of course, stay for less than a month, but the minimum payment for any length of stay less than one month will still be $450.
*Any business renting multiple rooms will receive the $15 / day monthly rate for additional rooms if the additional rooms are rented for at least 15 days.
Additional short-term guests staying in a unit, pay $15.00 / night if needing a separate bed. No charge if it is a “significant other” and no extra bed is needed.