Prairie View Home Rentals
311 6th St. NE, PO Box 92, Crosby, ND 58730
Email: Phone: 701-840-2428(Keith)
Application for Monthly Guest Unit Rental
Full Name ________________________________________________Birthdate __________________________
Permanent Address ___________________________________________________________________________
Your current occupation ___________________________Contact Phone # ___________________________
Email Address ______________________Vehicle(s) make and license # ________________________________
Number of vehicles and vehicle size/type that you would want to park _________________________________
Preferred start date _________________ Anticipated length of stay _____________________________
Number of occupants for the unit _____ (Note that each adult occupant must fill out a separate application.)
Name of any child under 18 who will also occupy the unit with their parent ___________________________
Current Employer and contact information _____________________________________________________
Personal References with phone numbers __________________________________________________
Person(s) to contact in an emergency with phone number(s) _____________________________________
Do you use tobacco products? ____________
Have you ever declared bankruptcy? __________
Have you ever been evicted from a rental property? __________
Have you had any late rental payments in the last year? __________
Will you be able to pay rent on the day you move in? ____________
Have you ever been convicted of a crime, excluding traffic violations? ________ If yes, explain below:
I declare that all of the above information is true and correct and the information may be used by the homeowner to determine whether to accept or decline this application. If any information provided by me is determined to be false, such false statements will be grounds for disapproval of my Application or termination of my Lease with the owner. I give permission to have my current and previous employers, my current or most previous landlord and listed references contacted to determine my personal character, ability to pay rent on a timely basis, and compatibility with current houseguests, the homeowner and his family.
Applicant’s Signature ___________________________________ Date ____________________
Note that by signing this application, I give permission for a local and national background check to be done on me.